#NPPDecides: Delegates blocked from entering voting booths with phones

It has been reported that delegates of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) have been prevented from bringing their mobile phones into the voting booths.

This directive was issued by both the leadership of the NPP and the Electoral Commission (EC) as a measure to prevent vote buying during the ongoing Presidential Primary.

At certain voting centres, delegates were required to switch off their phones before being permitted to enter the voting booths to vote.

In some cases, such as at Ablekuma West and Sagnarigu, delegates were not allowed to bring their mobile phones into the inner perimeters of the polling centre.

Even parliamentary candidates and the MCE of Sagnarigu were asked not to bring their phones with them.

The presiding officer at Okaikwei Central for the Okaikwei North Municipality also reminded delegates not to bring their phones into the voting centres.

This was done to maintain the integrity of the EC and the secrecy of ballots.

“We have mounted four voting screens, and delegates can vote at any of them. However, we’re warning them not to enter the perimeter with their phone, to prevent them from taking shots of votes”. He said.

mobile phonesNPP presidential primarypolling booths