Obaasima Academy launched

Maame Ama Pratt, Founder and the Executive Director of Obaasima Academy has urged women to broaden their horizon in all facets of their lives.

According her, women must dream to achieve more and not be fixated on specific destinations because life is dynamic.

“All the things that we are, all the things we dream to be, all the things we will be are just one of the many things we can be” Maame Ama Pratt noted.

She continued: “For me it’s the fact that you recognize there is more and you are willing to do the work that is necessary to do that more.”

Maame Ama Pratt

Speaking at the official launch of the Obaasima Academy in Accra on Friday, the General Manager of Pan African Television was sure it is about time women decided for themselves how to tackle the myriad of issues confronting them.

Cataloguing among others the low representation of women in Parliament, the inequalities in the work spaces, taxes on sanitary pads, Maame Ama Pratt stressed “I am happy to say that Obaasima has been at the forefront of most of these issues, perhaps the Academy is one way to get us to the promise land”.

“The launch of the Obaasima Academy is an actualization of a dream, it’s like dreaming something, working towards it and seeing it come to light before your very eyes; we will sharpen each other, we will grow each other, we won’t be fixated on specific destinations because life is not like that.”

The Obaasima Academy Executive Director explained that the dream is to create a safe space for women and supporting each other, adding that “it is no longer about events where we leave and that is it; it’s on another level where we connect on another level and so this is everything for me.”

“The dream is for all women to be part of the Academy; every generation has its own issues that it has to answer, our work is cut out for us literally….” she stated.

Joyce Bawah Mogtari and Esther Cobbah

Joyce Bawah Mogtari the former Deputy Minister of Transport and special aide to former John Dramani Mahama said the Obaasima Academy is a fantastic platform that will open opportunities for the ladies.

She stated that the ladies are part of a blessed generation and that there is hope despite the challenges bedeviling the youth of today.

The former Deputy Transport Minister urged the ladies to properly utilize the human resources available in the country, make the right choices at the right time and take risks in order not to miss the right opportunities in life.

Esther Ambah Numaba Cobbah the founder of Strategic Communications Africa Limited for her part reminded the ladies not to view their stay in the Academy as a classroom for learning but rather be wise enough to see that there are different circumstances surrounding what people become in life.

“You may be mentored by different people but you need to recognize that their circumstances may be different from yours…” she stated.

Dzifa Tegah, the Deputy National Women’s Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) noted that the Mentees must be willing to sacrifice and serve.

She stated that the mentees must look at the future they seek and not financial benefits stressing “handle your little bits very well and make sure that whoever is holding your hand is very comfortable around you…”

In all thirty mentees were inducted into the Academy after taking the Obaasima Oath administered by  Bawah Mogtari.

The Obaasima movement which started with impactful summits has grown into becoming the Obaasima Academy.

The Academy emerged from the visionaries behind the Obaasima Summit, recognizing the need for a continuous and comprehensive platform for women’s empowerment. The journey began with empowering summits, campus tours, market activations, and media advocacies that sparked inspiration among countless young women.

However, the need for sustained support became evident, leading to the inception of the groundbreaking Obaasima Academy.

The academy will serve as a space where women not only gather for inspiration but also embark on a journey of personal and professional development. It’s a call to action for young women passionate about breaking glass ceilings, with a focus on providing the necessary tools and community support.

At the heart of the Academy is a mission to provide a transformative platform for young women.

By Kofi Yirenkyi

Obaasima Academy