Ofori-Atta’s recklessness caused Ghana’s woes not Russia-Ukraine war – Haruna

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, has dismissed suggestions that the current economic crisis in Ghana was mainly caused by the war being waged on Ukraine by Russia.

Addressing the Committee on the motion of censure against the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, the Tamale South MP, said the “reckless borrowing” and “reckless spending” by the Finance Minister are the cause of Ghana’s woes.

“Did you borrow to support the war in Ukraine,” Mr Iddrisu asked, arguing that, it was because of Ofori-Atta’s recklessness that caused Ghana’s economic woes.

His comment was in response to a remark made by the co-chairman of the Committee, K.T Hammond, who suggested that Mr Ofori-Atta cannot be entirely blamed for the country’s financial crisis.

The public hearing of the committee on the censure motion against Mr Ofori Atta kicked off on a rough note Tuesday morning after clashes between the Minority and Majority members on the committee on the mode of the submission of evidence.

Even before being sworn, the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu and Minority Spokesperson on Finance, Cassiel Ato Forson, who were the first to appear before the committee, wished to tender evidence which was contested by the Chairman, KT Hammond and some majority members.
