On Gabby Asare Darko’s Facebook wall

Let’s sum it all up: elections petitions are about the petitioner saying the will of the people were not reflected in the declaration so the declared results should be set aside. But not John Mahama!

He went to the Supreme Court to have pushed aside the true will of the people as expressed on Dec 7 and replace it with inconsequential mistakes made in declaring the results, albeit corrected.

To make his case, he has to be dashed, with bizarre hypothetical benevolence, all Techiman registered voters as if all voted and for him, and for his votes and that of the Nana Addo to be measured as a percentage of total votes cast instead of valid votes cast as it should be because that is the only way to earn him what at best will be a hypothetical runoff.

Since the real results of Techiman South were known before he filed his petition!