Open letter to John Mahama: Forget not your promise on Islamic finance

Dear President Mahama,

As we approach the crucial election day on December 7, 2024, I am reminded once again of the promise you made regarding the enrolment of Islamic finance in Ghana during your campaign.

As of today, July 20, 2024, there are approximately 135 days left until the December 2024 general elections.

Your vision to introduce Islamic finance to our country represents a significant opportunity to diversify our financial sector and foster inclusive economic growth.

Islamic finance, with its principles rooted in fairness, transparency, and ethical considerations, has the potential to not only attract investments but also to empower marginalized communities by providing them access to financial services and development infrastructure, without the usual mind-boggling financial strings attached.

I firmly believe that your leadership will ensure that this promise becomes a reality, offering Ghanaians the chance to participate in an alternative financial system that can complement and strengthen our existing frameworks.

This initiative has the potential to enhance our economic resilience and inclusivity.

President Mahama, I have confidence in your commitment to the people of Ghana and your dedication to fulfilling your promises as you have already exemplified this during your previous tenure.

I am hopeful that come 2025, together, we can usher in a new era of economic opportunity and prosperity through the introduction of Islamic finance in Ghana.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your continued leadership and the realization of this transformative vision for our beloved nation from 2025 onward.

Nothing is impossible for Allah.

Yours sincerely,

Yahaya Iliasu Mustapha

The writer is the Ghana representative of the Alhuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics, Dubai, and Islamic Banking and Finance patron and advocate in Ghana.

He holds a BSc. in Islamic banking, economics, and finance from the International Open University, a BA in Political Science from the University of Ghana, and a Diploma in Education from the University of Winneba.

We would want to collaborate and partner with any persons or organizations who are willing to explore this field in Ghana and beyond.

0506218343 / 0246873726

Islamic financeMahamaopen