Parliament reconvenes on January 25: As E-levy continue to divide opinions

Parliament will reconvene for the Second Session of the Eighth Parliament on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, a week’s extension of the January 18 date announced when the House adjourned for the Christmas break.

A statement issued by the Public Affairs Directorate entreated all Members of Parliament (MPs) and staff of the Parliamentary Service to take note.

Parliament adjourned sitting on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 after a disagreement over the passage of the Electronic Transaction Levy (E-Levy) Bill on December 20.

Business in the House towards the end of 2021 turned chaotic as a result of the 2022 Budget statement and the resolve of the Minority not to accept proposed concessions by the Minister for Finance Ken Ofori-Atta.

The House on Friday, November 26, 2021 rejected the Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the government after the Majority New Patriotic Party (NPP) staged an unprecedented walkout following a disagreement over a voice vote that did not go in their favour.

Incidentally, Speaker of the House Alban S.K. Bagbin travelled to Dubai for medical attention and on Tuesday 30th November, 2022 the 2nd Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei Owusu who chaired the plenary overturned ruling of the Speaker to afford the Finance Minister time to make some concessions to the House.

The Budget was subsequently approved by the Majority side in the absence of the Minority.

On his return, Speaker Alban Bagbin decided not to overturn the First Deputy Speaker Joe Wise’s 2022 budget approval ruling as many in the opposition have called for.

In an address to the House after his return, the Speaker addressed issues of quorum and the actions of the Deputy Speaker.

In a statement to the House he indicated that although the Standing Orders are silent on what transpired in the House, many Standing orders and rules from several sister Parliaments provide persuasive rules that suggest that when Deputy Speaker’s or acting Speakers are in the Chair, whatever happens in the House is that officer’s responsibility and the Speaker cannot be called upon to overrule it.

Similarly, the reverse is also the case that when a Speaker is in the Chair, whatever happens in the House is the Speaker’s responsibility and the Deputy Speaker or acting Speaker cannot be called upon to overrule it

He noted, however, that the House needed to make progress on the matter in a manner that is consistent with the laws and to ensure Parliament is allowing the governance of the country to thrive.

That appeared to have put to rest the budget chaos permanently till it came to the E-levy bill, which was not included the day the 2022 budget was approved due to consultations by the Finance Ministry.

The situation, however, got to a head on Monday, December 20, 2021 when proceedings to continue the resolution whether the E-Levy Bill should be considered under a Certificate of Urgency or not ended abruptly.

The Minority and Majority clashed during voting on the floor of the House when the First Deputy Speaker took leave of the Speaker’s chair for the Second Deputy Speaker to enable him to participate in voting.

On Tuesday 21st December, 2022 Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu after the correction of Votes and Proceedings implored the First Deputy Speaker to adjourn the House in the hope to continue business on a more serene atmosphere when it reconvenes.

He prayed the sit-in Speaker, Joseph Osei-Owusu, to adjourn the House until January 18, 2022, for cooler heads to prevail because according to him, the House was not in a serene environment to conduct business, considering the events of the previous night.

Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu seconding the motion said the adjournment will allow for more consultations on all pertinent issues and stressed the country should not suffer as a result of some happenings in Parliament.

He indicated it is important for the House to carry the country along, and that members need to demonstrate to the country that Ghana’s democracy is growing and will not suffer some unacceptable scenes and spectacles witnessed on the floor and agreed with the Majority Leader to adjourn the House sine die for some consultation on the outstanding issue.

