Parliament rejects 2022 budget after Majority walkout

Parliament has rejected government’s 2022 Budget Statement and Economic Policy read in the House by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, last week.

A walkout by the Majority from Parliament on Friday, November 26, 2021, did not prevent the House from continuing with the business of the day.

Members on the majority side staged a walkout after a disagreement over a voice vote which did not go in their favour.

Parliament was to conclude the debate on the 2022 budget statement and approve the policy document today.

A last-minute request by the Finance Minister to meet with the leadership of the House was turned down by MPs after the Speaker of Parliament announced that the ‘Nos’ had won the voice vote.

Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo Markin, thus challenged the Speaker’s interpretation of the voice vote and called for a ‘division’.

Mr. Bagbin subsequently directed that, per orders of the House, non-MPs had to vacate the Chamber during the division process.

“As the Speaker, I will do all I can, not allow the government to obstruct or frustrate parliament in its lawful duty. That is a pledge to the people of Ghana, and there is a reason why the good people of Ghana elected this parliament. It is hung parliament of 137-137, the independent who decided to do business with one side of the majority, there is no majority party in this house. This is a new beginning, where for the first time, a Majority has walked out from its own business”, Rt. Hon. Alban Bagbin stated.While vacating the Chamber, the Majority MPs demanded that the General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, who was sitting in the public gallery at the time, must also exit the House. He ignored this request.

This infuriated the Majority MPs who walked out of the Chamber, leaving only members on the Minority side.

The Speaker of Parliament thus suspended the sitting for five minutes.

He subsequently came back to the House to continue with proceedings.

Source: Citinewsroom

2022 budgetMajorityMinorityParliamentwalkout