Pelosi about Trump: “I’m gonna punch him out, go to jail, and be happy”

A new remarkable, previously unseen video of events during the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol showed an irate House Leader Nancy Pelosi vowing to “punch” Trump out if he made his way to “trespass on the Capitol grounds.”

The new video further shows how, for a brief moment, legislators on both sides of the political divide displayed uncommon comradery and genuine care for each other when their collective lives were under attack by the Trump crowd that had invaded the United States Capitol.

Pelosi was seen expressing what appeared to be a genuine concern to Vice President Mike Pence with whom she had previously bantered over policy.

Meanwhile, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was seen in a huddle with Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer where he urged the acting Secretary of Defense to mobilize security to get to the Capitol “in one bit of a hurry, understand?”

Senate and House leaders on both sides put partisanship aside and worked remarkably well to reconvene to certify the election results that sealed the fate of President Trump and his efforts to overturn the election results.
