Police arrest key suspects in murder of Soldier at Ashaiman

The Police after a week of sustained intelligence-led operation have arrested the key suspects involved in the murder of Imoro Sherrif, the soldier who was killed at Taifa Ashiaman on 4th March 2023.

The arrest was solely police intelligence work without the involvement of the military.

Trooper Imoro Sherif was laid to rest on Thursday, March 10.

The soldier, according to sources, was returning from Taifa and heading toward his residence at Zongo-Laka in Ashaiman when he was attacked by unknown assailants and stabbed to death.

Though he was carrying a laptop and other electronic gadgets the attackers made away with only his iPhone.

The murder prompted soldiers to invade Ashaiman on Tuesday brutalising residents in the hope of arresting the suspects.

The invasion by the soldiers has been roundly condemned by Ghanaians. Amnesty International Ghana has also condemned the action by the military.

“Amnesty International Ghana is against all forms of violence and human rights abuses and condemns the violence meted out by the military on civilians. The military is to take a step back and allow the Ghana Police Service to conduct thorough investigations into the unfortunate killing of the soldier,” it said in a statement.

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