Police, military increase presence in Nkoranza amidst heightened tension

 Security presence in Nkoranza has been increased following heightened tensions between some irate youth and the Police in the community.

According to JoyNews’ correspondent, Ohemeng Tawiah, as of Wednesday morning, the entire community had been inundated with personnel from the Police and military, who are poised to forestall any mayhem.

In an interview with Paa Kwesi Schandorf on AM News on Wednesday, he revealed that, following a protest by the youth on Tuesday, the traditional leaders in the community engaged the angry youth to calm the tensions, leading to an agreement in that regard.

But according to him, despite the decision of the youth to maintain calm, they later poured onto the streets in a heated confrontation with the Police.

He, therefore, stated that, despite the heavy security presence, it is unclear what the youth may do next.

“It’s a normal day, as it’s a normal day anywhere in any part of the country, just that the difference here in Nkoranza township is the fact that there are increased Police presence on the main streets of Nkoranza.

You can’t predict the youth that probably with the presence of the Police and the military team here, that should put the issue to rest,” he noted.

He also added, “when the Police reinforcement team arrived from Techiman, the youth would not even budge.

“They faced the Police team squarely by throwing stones whiles the Police team also fired warning shots and live rubber bullets on them. They were not perturbed. They continued to still their grounds to face the Police officers.

So for you to suggest that, probably because of the presence of the Police-military team, that should put the story to rest, it will be too early to consider and talk about that”.

Meanwhile, a security analyst, Professor Kwesi Aning, has stated that the recent turn of events in the community raises questions about the credibility and professionalism of the Police in the discharge of their responsibilities.

According to the analyst, the shooting of Albert Donkor by the Police is evidence of the trigger happy posture of some personnel within the Service, an act which must be looked at.

He explained that the situation where Police officers resort to force and unprovoked violence in dealing with the public must be addressed to boost public confidence in the Police.

He revealed that his outfit is conducting research in that regard.

The youth of Nkoranza in the Bono East Region has been on a rampage as they attacked the Municipal Police headquarters, demanding justice for Albert Donkor, a 28-year-old trader who was allegedly killed while in Police custody.

In their protest on Tuesday, they freed six other suspects picked up by the Police as armed robbers together with the deceased.

In expressing their anger, the youth destroyed vehicles parked at the Municipal Police headquarters before the reinforcement team arrived to maintain peace and order.

Source myjoyonline
