Expecting audience of 2.2 billion people for 13th African Game- President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Akufo-Addo believes that the upcoming African Games will have a huge audience.

He said an estimated audience of 2.2 billion people is expected to follow the 13th African Games set to be hosted in Ghana.

This year’s Games is scheduled to run from March 8 to March 23 mainly at the Borteman Sports Complex and University of Ghana Stadium.

He delivered this estimation in his speech delivered at the commissioning of the Borteman Complex in a ceremony that had Minister of Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif, present.

The number of people expected to tune in to the multi-sport competition has wildly varied as Honourable Ussif in December 2023, said over five billion people are expected to watch the Games

However, President Akufo-Addo’s estimation fell below the Sports Minister’s mark.

“We are expecting an estimated audience of 2.2 billion people for the African Games, both on traditional media and on social media” President Akufo-Addo said.

Honourable Mustapha Ussif

President Akufo-Addo went on to charged major stakeholders to work and organize the “best African Games in history”.

President Nana