Presidential travels: Felix Ofosu Kwakye attacks Akufo-Addo over luxurious jets

Felix Kwakye Ofosu, a former Deputy Minister for Information under the erstwhile John Mahama-led National Democratic Congress (NDC) government, has launched a blistering attack on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his continued use of rented ‘luxurious jets’ for his travels.

According to him, apart from dissipating scarce resources for his creature comforts, the President’s deliberate refusal to answer questions relating to the cost of these rentals is most worrying.

He averred that the continual rental of luxurious jets at a time when Ghana has an equally luxurious and fully functional Presidential jet should concern every Ghanaian.

In a Facebook post, the former Deputy Minister noted that genuinely concerned Ghanaians who care about how the country’s taxes are used should demand answers from the President why he has decided to launch this attack on the public purse.

He stated that the Finance Minister’s claim that the matter of the cost rests in the bosom of National Security was a complete lie and ruse to evade the question.

“It is the Presidency that handles matters of Presidential travel and the money is paid from their budgetary allocation. National Security has nothing to do with it.”

“The Finance Minister knows this. He is in a position to disclose the figures but simply refused to do so because he placed the protection of his cousin, the President, from public scrutiny above the need for accountability,” he lamented.

Read the full text of the post below:

Apart from the obstinacy and disrespect showed by President Akufo-Addo in the dissipation of scarce resources on his creature comforts through the continuous rental of luxurious jets at a time we have an equally luxurious and fully functional Presidential jet, there is also the deliberate refusal to answer questions relating to the cost of doing so.

The Finance Minister’s claim that the matter rests in the bosom of National Security was a complete lie and ruse to evade the question.

It is the Presidency that handles matters of Presidential travel and the money was paid from their budgetary allocation. National Security has nothing to do with it.

The Finance Minister knows this. He is in a position to disclose the figures but simply refused to do so because he placed the protection of his cousin, the President, from public scrutiny above the need for accountability.

As for the NPP minions defending this, they would defend Akufo-Addo even if he committed genocide so disregard them if you are a genuinely concerned Ghanaian who cares about how your taxes are used and demand answers for why this Akufo-Addo/Bawumia has decided to launch this attack on the public purse.


Akufo-AddoFelix ofosu Kwakyeluxurious jets