PRINPAG backs GJA’s media blackout on Yendi MP following attack on journalist

The Private Newspapers and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) has officially endorsed the Ghana Journalist Association’s (GJA) resolution to implement a media blackout on Yendi MP, Farouk Aliu Mahama.

This action comes as a direct response to the recent assault on the Northern Regional correspondent of Citi FM/TV by the MP, sparking widespread condemnation from various media and civil society organizations.

“Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy, and acts of violence or intimidation against journalists are an attack on the very principles of free speech and transparency,” Jeoege Wilson Kingson, Acting Executive Secretary of PRINPAG said.

The association, in a statement, expressed its firm belief that the media blackout is a necessary measure to preserve the integrity of the press and to ensure the safety and freedom of journalists within Ghana.

The incident, which has led to the media blackout, has been universally condemned as a violation of journalists’ rights and an impediment to the democratic process.

“Such reprehensible behaviour cannot be tolerated, and we applaud the GJA for taking a strong stand against impunity, ensuring the protection of its members,” Kingson added.

PRINPAG’s endorsement of the GJA’s decision underlines the importance of solidarity among media organizations in fighting against attempts to undermine the media’s role as society’s watchdog.

The association has called upon all stakeholders, including political leaders, to respect the independence of the media and to ensure that journalists can perform their duties without fear of violence or reprisal.

Reaffirming its commitment to press freedom and the defence of journalists’ rights, PRINPAG vows to continue its collaboration with the GJA, GIBA, MFWA, and other relevant bodies to uphold the principles of free speech and ensure accountability across all levels of society.

blacklistFarouk Aliu Mahamamedia blackoutPRINPAGYendi constituency