Prophet in court for allegedly molesting 3 teenage boys sexually

One prophet Richard Ato Davidson has been arraigned before the Cape Coast Magistrate Court 2 for allegedly sucking the penis of three teenagers and using their sperms for ritual purposes.

The suspect is said to be the Founder and Leader of Wise Chapel International at Asebu in the Abura Asebu Kwamakese District of the Central Region.

He was arrested by the Yamoansah Police.

Information gathered by Adom News‘ Kofi Adjei suggests the suspect allegedly lured his victims aged between 16 and 21 to hotel rooms in the name of deliverance over claims that they are being tormented by evil spirits in their family.

Assembly Member for Asebu Amantendo Electoral Area, Richard Mbea, narrating the incident, disclosed that his senior high school-going nephew happens to be one of the victims.

According to Mr Mbea, Prophet Davidson, upon arrival at the hotel, strips the suspects naked and amid chants lit candles of different colours.

He continues with oral sex and sucks the penis of the victims and uses a white cloth to absorb the sperms, he added.

The suspect then threatens to kill his victims if they utter a word to anyone but his nephew could not keep mute any longer after he started urinating blood, Mr Mbea said.

Making his appearance, the court presided over by Her Worship, Bernice Mensimah Ackon charged Prophet Davidson with indecent assault contrary to section 103(2) of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29).

He has however been granted court bail with two sureties and is expected to reappear on 19th October 2021.

Mr Mbea, after the court proceeding, disclosed several teenagers have lodged similar complaints against the suspect with the police, hence, they will compile the list and make it available during the next hearing.
