Sawla residents spooked by corpse buried on football pitch

Residents of Sawla in the Kalba District of the Savanna Region were scared out of their wits Saturday 19th February 2022 when they discovered a body buried in a shallow grave on a nearby football field.

The body, which was buried with the head exposed near the Roman Catholic cluster of schools was discovered without the knees.

The discovery follows two mysterious deaths recorded in the Bole and the Sawla- Tuna-Kalba districts in the Savanna Region, earlier in the month.

The Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Police Commander, DSP Paul Lambert, who confirmed the incident indicated his outfit has taken custody of the corpse and would ensure its burial.

He appealed to residents to volunteer information to the Police to enable them to bring the perpetrators to book.

In a horror movie style, two other corpses were discovered buried with parts of their bodies similarly exposed at Mempeasem and Chorebaa, both towns in the Bole District on February 2 and 6.

The Chief of Sawla, Sawlawura Abdulai Nungbaso expressed worry over the happenings in the two districts.

“I was about observing my prayers when the news got to me about the incident. So, I called the District Police Commander and the District Medical Team and the landowners to move to the scene where the body was exhumed and was being prepared for re-burial,” he said.

These criminal acts, he said, were discussed during a Bole Traditional Council at the Bolewura’s Palace.

“We are just not happy. Bolewura and the chiefs of the traditional area are not happy about the situation. And as the traditional head here, I also call for all hands on deck to find a lasting solution to such bad acts. God, gods and the ancestors will see the traditional area through in such difficult times.”

Meanwhile, the body has been exhumed by the Police for re-burial.

corpsefootball fieldSawla