Sekyere East: Assembly Staff Defies DCE’s Order Not To Meet MP

The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) campaign team together with their Member of Parliament Hon Dr Nana Ayew Afriye were met with a great shock when during their encounter with staff of all government agencies in the Effiduase-Asokore Constituency, workers of the District Assembly informed them that the District Executive (DCE), Ms. Mary Boatemaa Marfo,  had ordered her staff not to meet with them 2 hours to the already approved meeting 4 days earlier.

The campaign team of the Effiduase-Asokore Constituency led by the hardworking and accessible legislator, in his bid to ensure Operations 90/90 as stipulated by the campaign team, scheduled meetings of all staff of government agencies within the constituency on friday November 27th.  

This strategy was purposely to help increase President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and that of the MP within the Efiduase Asokore constituency. 

In activating this essential campaign strategy, the campaign team met staff of Ghana Health Service, Ghana education, MoFA, District Assembly, Electricity, et al. 

In their discourse at the meeting, the MP explained to the staff the immense  achievements of H.E. President Akufo-Addo and his good self since 2017. 

To mention a few, he spoke about the establishment of an Award scheme to honour outstanding Teachers, Schools, students, teachers, staff of District GES office, renovation of District Health Director’s residence, provision hospital equipments to all health workers, Motorbikes to enhance supervision and many more.

On last Friday,  the 27th of November, as the team were preparing to meet the staff at the District assembly, surprisingly, some staff members of the same District Assembly told the Member of Parliament and the constituency campaign team members that, the DCE had ordered the HR barely two hours to the meeting that,  no staff should meet them. 

Also, the Assembly conference room which was the venue for the said engagement has also been under lock and should not be opened for the meeting. In consequence to the impediments seeming to halt the campaign team encounter with staff of the district assembly,  a different venue had to be decided upon. Fortunately the meeting was finally held at  the Health Directorate after the calculated delay.   

Upon all the provocations, entanglements, and confrontations, that is, to make the engagement futile,  a majority of the assembly workers defied the so called order of the DCE and attended the meeting as about 115 out of 164 of the workers were recorded present.

As it is known to be the standing character traits of the Legislator, thus, affable and indefatigable, he gave each agency a Christmas present and also an amount of Ghc 10,000 to all workers who met with him and the campaign team. Hon. Dr. Nana Ayew Afriyie extended appreciative words to them all for attending the meetings. The workers also expressed their gratitude for the kind gesture amidst applause and chanting of  “Four More”!! “Four More” and “Number One”.


Election 2020GhanaNewsNPP