SIM Registration: let’s take the fight to them: Ras Mubarak writes

Imagine the impact, if one or two million Ghanaian mobile subscribers decide not to make or receive calls on a particular day of the week? We can agree on a day to do this.

Imagine if we did this for two days every month?

The NCA and telecoms will take a hit. And they would take into consideration the concerns of the public.

Currently they are simply not listening to us or hearing us.

The current process is a lazy and armchair approach. We are having to do multiple Re-registration because of sheer incompetence.

They must halt the current process, find innovative ways of registering people if they are bent on doing it without subjecting customers to this much encumbrance.

The argument that the re-registration is to prevent crime is an indication of a failure on the part of telecoms and the regulator.

What are the guarantees that after another round of Re-registration we won’t have sim box and Mobile money fraud?

How is it that those engaged in these fraudulent activities get hold of thousands of SIM cards? And why must the law abiding customer pay for someone’s incompetence?

If a service provider allows its SIM cards to be used to commit sim box and Mobile money fraud, the regulator (NCA) has the option of imposing fines on them, as a way of getting the service providers to sit up and put in place rigid measures.

For this Re-registration, one option to do it without the circus we are seeing is called “Sim swap,” which has been tested before in the past where people register in a secure manner without having to leave their homes.

That’s just one option. They just need to be innovative. If they insist on this circus and harassing people to register, I say let’s take the fight to them.

We agree on a date, get our family and friends involved, and let’s see who gets a bloodied nose.

Customers have rights, and their views ought to be taken into account.

Ras MubarakSIM Registration