Singing a new song: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Monday 15th November 2021


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 42:1-13

Sing to the Lord a new song, And His praise from the ends of the earth, You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, You coastlands and you inhabitants of them! Isaiah 42:10

Singing is an essential part of our spiritual lives. A whole book in the Bible, The Psalms, is dedicated to singing. We sing when we are happy and when we are sad. We sing to encourage ourselves and sing to make a statement.

Our passage for today encourages us to sing a new song to the Lord. It is a phrase that is found elsewhere in the Psalms. Why does the Lord want us to sing a new song?

• A new song replaces our old song. It is a song that replaces our sorrows with the joy of the Lord. The Lord told His people to sing a new song in place of the old songs of captivity. They had sang songs of despair and sorrow in captivity, but now, the Lord wanted them to sing songs of joy before Him. That means they could not come to the Lord with lamentations of all their pain again.

• A new song announces a new day. When the Lord turns our lives from the darkness to light, he wants us to celebrate it. For Israel, a new song announced the end of their years of captivity and the beginning of the years of restoration. Just as the birds announce each morning with singing, so must we embrace each new day with the joy of the Lord. We must not sing the old song when new things are happening around us.

• A new song releases new things out of us.* It is a song that has never been sung before. When the Lord calls us to sing a new song, He calls us to do something we have not done before. That means we become creative. We must allow the Holy Spirit to inspire innovative ideas in us so we can bring them forth.

The Lord calls us to put away the old and the past and replace it with a new song. Will you do so?

Prayer: _Heavenly Father, you are the God of new beginnings. Thank you for filling my heart and mouth with a new song of praise today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Living word devotionalnew songPastor Mensa OtabilSing