Some fell on good ground: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Friday 27th August 2021


Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:1-23

But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Matthew 13:8

So far we’ve seen the sower’s seeds falling on different kinds of unproductive soil. Finally, we are introduced to the seed falling on good ground. Does it mean the majority of people who hear the word do not end up bearing good fruits with it? Possibly.

If we look at it in percentages, it would appear as if three-quarters of the seeds sown did not bear enduring fruit while only a quarter had good results. However, if we look at how many times, the word ‘some’ is applied and the different yields from the good ground, we can make a case that far more seeds fell on the good soil.

The good ground is where every sower aims to sow their seeds. It is the fertile ground that is well ploughed and made ready for the seed. It refers to the person who hears the word of God and understands it; the person who allows the word to go deep into their hearts and makes Christ the centre of their lives. This is the heart the Lord wants each one of us to have.

The good heart does not yield the same results. That means that even when we receive the word in our hearts, we can apply it to different extents in our lives. Some only apply the word of God towards salvation from sin.

Others go a little further to include the power of the Holy Spirit. Still others take it further to include healing, and then prosperity and more. The word will yield fruit based on how much you can rightfully draw from it. That must not give us the liberty to impute our private interpretations to the scriptures.

How much do you want from God; do you want His word to yield a thirty, sixty or hundred-fold yield?

The same God who saves us from sin can also heal our bodies. We must not take one and leave the other. The same God who saves us from sin can also supply all our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ. The same God who gave David victory over Goliath can give us the victory in our battles in life. The Lord Jesus promises that those who believe in Him will live more abundantly.

May the Lord cause His word to produce an abundant harvest in our lives.

Prayer:Heavenly Father, help me to prepare my heart as a good ground for your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

good groundLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil