Some politicians operate in the realm of madness to promote selfish agenda – Amoako-Atta fumes 

Minister for Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako-Attah, is incensed with what he described as the deliberate misrepresentation of his comments in the media.

In his view, it is a calculated ploy by some politicians to use the media as a propaganda tool against him.

“Some politicians operate in the realm of madness to promote their selfish agenda,” he fumed in an interview on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Monday.

Mr Amoako-Attah was reacting to a report claiming he said he will use the yet-to-be approved E-levy to raise bonds for infrastructure.

According to the report, the Roads Minister made the comment while answering questions on the floor of Parliament.

But reacting to this, Mr Amoako-Attah said his comment was misinterpreted to attract public backlash.

He stated unequivocally that he never said the revenue that would be generated from E-levy will be used as collateral for a loan.

The Roads Minister used the opportunity to urge the media not to allow itself to be used by “mad politicians”.

“The media is a noble profession, and it must be made up of intelligent people; don’t allow any made politician whether NDC, NPP, CPP whatever to use you for their selfish gains,” he added.

Source: The Newsroom Online

Amoako-AttamadnessPoliticiansselfish agenda