Songs of Praise: Mpraeso MP, OPK Leads Praises At Church [VIDEO]

The Member of Parliament for Mpraeso Constituency Davis Opoku Ansah known as OPK surprised hundreds of congregants at the International Central Gospel Church, Atibie as he led praises.

This follows his thanksgiving service after winning his MP position during the 2020 general election.

Addressing the media after the thanksgiving service at the International Central Gospel Church Atibie /Mpraeso Circuit, Davis Opoku Ansah said there is the need to express appreciation to God for what he has done for him.

He revealed his team will also tour the various areas in the Mpraeso Constituency to express his sincere thanks to the Constituents for voting for the President and electing him as the MP.

He said, “We will assure our people their major concerns have been noted and for that matter, every promise made shall be fulfilled.”

‘’The main source of occupation is farming so we are going to use our leadership role to ensure the life of our farmers improves. We will engage Cocobod to establish what will improve our farmer’s standard of living.

One other factor is our tourist sites. We have so many plans for the community but today we came here for a Thanksgiving Service. “he stated.

He urged the general public to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols. Commenting on whether or not the Kwahu Easter would be celebrated following the spread of COVID-19, he said the people’s life is important so if the life of the people will be put in danger, Kwahu Easter must be put on hold but was quick to add that his outfit will have engagement with the Ghana Tourist Authority to discuss the way forward.

Agoo news reports that Other personalities that graced the occasion include he Members of Parliament for Abetifi and Nkawkaw Bryan Acheampong and Joseph Frempong, MDCEs for Kwahu South and Kwahu East Emmanuel Attah Ofori Snr and Isaac Agyapong respectively and other Constituency executives.

On his part, the Member of Parliament for Nkawkaw Constituency Joseph Frempong briefed journalists about the ongoing construction work on Nkawkaw town roads.
