Special Prosecutor frees NDC’s Mahama Ayariga

Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng has dropped all charges initiated by the Office of the Special Prosecutor against Bawku Central Member of Parliament, Mahama Ayariga.

On Monday 11th October 2021 in court, the Special Prosecutor told the court of their intention to drop all charges brought against the MP and four others.

He informed the court of the republic’s intention to enter Nolle Prosequi in respect of all cases against the accused persons.

According to him, the decision to file a nolle prosiqui to drop the charges are premised on two grounds

The court presided over by Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe after listening to the SP discharged the accused persons.

Addressing journalists after the court sitting, Kissi Agyebeng said the charges before the court do not satisfy the standard of proof of criminal cases and the state cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

Mahama AyarigaNDCSpecial Prosecutor