Stock market remains unchanged to close at 2,508.99 points

Benchmark index (GSE-Composite Index) of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) did not record any change as it closed at 2,508.99  points; the same mark as it opened, representing a YTD return of  -10.05%.

The GSE Financial Stock Index (GSE-FSI) also maintained its  level to close trading at 2,079.94 points translating into a YTD return of -3.34%.

Sixteen (16) equities traded with no gainer nor decliner on the day as market capitalization for the day settled at GH¢64.49 billion.

A total of 1,300,973 shares valued at GH¢1,174,256.55 was traded on the day. Compared with the previous GSE trading day, Tuesday’s data shows a 14.10% increase in volume  traded as well as a 76.45% decline in trade turnover.

Scancom PLC.  (MTNGH) accounted for 99.58% of the total value traded and recorded the largest volumes traded.

Ticker Volume Value (GH¢)
MTNGH 1,285,019 1,169,367.29
CPC 13,125 262.50
CAL 955 725.80
SOGEGH 485 528.65
ETI 258 38.70