Stop the corruption now – Nyaho Tamakloe to Akufo-Addo

Dr. Nyaho Nyaho Tamakloe, a founding member of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has expressed concern over the rampant corruption in Ghana.

As a member of the Ghana Today Coalition of Statesmen, he called on President Akufo-Addo and the government to take immediate action to curb the widespread corruption.

Dr. Tamakloe emphasized that if this corrupt trend persists, the country will face dire consequences.

Speaking at a media briefing held in Accra, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe, who is a founding member of the NPP, expressed his dissatisfaction with the corruption under the current administration.

“Look at how this country that we fought and toiled for to have this democracy restored is being destroyed through personal interest.

“If the corruption among the political class is not tackled, then we will be in trouble. As a founding member of the New Patriotic Party, I am worried about how leading figures in the ruling party’s presidential primaries are now publicly confessing these acts of corruption,” Dr. Tamakloe stated.

He continued: “With accusations of syphoning of public money and coffers to resettle their families abroad. Acquiring properties, while the people of Ghana largely suffer and are deprived of basic needs.”
