Such Chutzpah! 

News of the ‘triumphant entry’ of Aisha Huang after she was hounded out of the country in 2018 has dominated the local media for some days now as it did in the past. 

The fanfare, the media buzz and filthy haste to discuss the issue in the media space leaves the audience even more exposed to the realities of the lapses in our security system. 

Aisha, we deduce at least from the bits and pieces of reports points to the fact that she was able to outwit the system. 

This does not come as a surprise especially when the Senior Minister, Yaw Osafo Maafo ia on record to have justified the government’s decision to discontinue her prosecution for openly engaging in illegal mining in the country an

According to him, jailing her in Ghana will not have solved the country’s economic problems.

The paper is wondering if the many Ghanaians we have jailed for similar mining related offences have solved Ghana’s problems. 

Again, the government has disclosed that illegal miner Aisha entered the country through approved routes with forged documents.

This is in sharp contradiction to information by the Ghana Immigration Service, which indicates that Aisha Huang used unapproved routes into the country.

The GHANAIAN PUBLISHER is suprised by the turn of event. We are behaving and if you like misbehaving like people hypnotised by this Chinese galamsey kingpin. 

In fact, the way Ghana handled her previous case has embolden her to come around, this time thrusting her middle finger at our faces by flagrantly breaching our immigration laws. 

Now she owna a Ghana Card! Qhat impudence? How many Ghanaians can enter any foreign country with forged documents and yet have such disrespectful posture towards the host country? 

Already, calls from all over is that this lady must be punished properly to serve as a deterrent to others. 

The General Secretary of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) Nana Yaa Akyempim Jantuah has asked the government to deal with all foreigners who engage in illegal small mining (galamsey) without fear or intimidation from their countries.

More so, the Dean of the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College (GAFCSC), Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso, also saya Aisha disrespected Ghana with her re-entry into the country without permission.

Dr Antwi-Danso said Ghanaian authorities must send a clear signal to all foreigners to respect the laws of the land.

“[Her re-entry] shows disrespect for us as Ghanaians and for our country. When you are deported, you are declared persona non grata, you are not wanted until you are invited into the country” he said.

“She treated us with this kind of disdain, we should let all foreigners know that we are a country to be respected,” he told. 

For us, Dr Antwi-Danso has summerised our sentiments- Ghana must be respected.

Ghana cannot apply her laws to its citizens and leave out foreigners who are equally guilty of such offenses. 

Such blatant disrespect from persons in the show of Aisha is the bane of any country with sleeping laws like ours. 
