Terrorism is complex; we must defeat it together – Prez Felipe Nyusi of Mozambique

President of Mozambique, Felipe Jacinto Nyusi, has described terrorism as a complex phenomenon that needs concerted efforts of all countries to defeat.

According to him, the international and transnational actors of terrorism demand more commitment and joint efforts from all countries to combat this growing threat.

Addressing members of Parliament as part of his official visit to Ghana on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, President Felipe Nyusi disclosed that Mozambique, since 2017 had been targeted by terrorist groups in its northern districts.

This, he said, resulted in the murder of more than 2,000 civilians and created more than 850,000 displaced people.

He noted that this human cost has also taken its toll on the physical capital of the country and also constrained the perspective of development in the Cape Delgado province in terms of roads in that region and the country as a whole.

“This also halted the implementation of major projects in the oil and gas industry,” he said.

President Felipe Nyusi averred that Mozambique has been able to neutralize the threats of terrorism and violent extremism due to the combative nature and bravery of its defence forces and the support of forces from friendly SADC countries like Rwanda.

This development, he said, has allowed the country the freedom to embark on infrastructure development like road construction, water systems, energy, communication, hospitals, schools and others.

Felipe NyusiMozambiqueTerrorism