The broad gate: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Wednesday 13th October 2021


Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-14

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Matthew 7:13

In our passage for today, Jesus showed us the two gates that can open to us. Our Lord talked about a way that leads to either eternal life or damnation in the immediate context. However, in a larger context, the principles He introduced in this teaching affect other choices we make. How we choose to live our lives govern both our eternal destination and our well-being in this world.

In the parable, Jesus presents two different kinds of gates, two different paths and two different destinations. He also mentions two different types of travellers. The Lord clearly showed that the gates we enter into and the path we walk on would lead us to a destination. Where we end up is determined by the gate we entered into and the direction we travelled on.

1. The Wide gate – this has uncontrolled access. This option in life gives you access without limitations. It has no rules and no restrictions for those who want to enter through. It is an entryway that appeals to everyone and rolls out the welcome carpet for all. The wide gate does not demand a change of heart or a change of mind from those who pursue what it offers. It promises good things without any morality. You enter in as you are and continue to live as you are. Sadly, this gate is getting broader and more accessible. It is what many in our world seek and what this age offers. Even many Christians feel the allure of the wide gate.

2. The Broad way – this is easy to travel on. Those who enter through the wide gate choose to walk on the broad way. It promises a life that calls for no sacrifices, no pressure and no personal responsibility. Those who follow this way hide behind other people or hide behind the crowd to do as they please. Our world has the mistaken notion that if we make a path easy for everyone, then all of us will end up happy. That concept is so far from the truth. Giving an easy pass to everyone only pulls all of us to the lowest level. It brings the worst out of us.

3. Many are on it – it is a popular choice. This path is the life that most people choose. That is why a majority of our population has turned away from God’s will for their lives. They choose the curse and not the blessing. Instead of examining our conscience to make the right choices, we bow to peer pressure and the prevailing spirit of our age. Are you one of those who have chosen the wide gate and the broad way?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to resist the temptation to choose the easy path. I want to choose your way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

broad gateLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil