The Courts Prevent Anarchy In Society – Chief Justice

The Chief Justice (CJ), Kwesi Anin Yeboah says Ghana’s Courts remain the proper and only arbiters for disputes among the citizenry and with the State itself.

He stated that the presence and availability of the courts give us peace of mind that should conflicts arise, as they inevitably do in any society, there is an avenue for redress that is accessible, available and open to all.

According to Mr. Anin Yeboah, the court is an important device that preserves the peace, allows us to pursue our dreams with confidence and ensures that we do not descend into anarchy. 

Speaking at the commissioning of the Achimota District Court in the Okaikwei North Municipality yesterday, the Chief Justice noted that the new court is an evidence of the policy of the Judicial Service of Ghana to provide better and modern infrastructure for the administration of justice is bearing fruits

He explained that justice and its smooth delivery are essential to the survival of our democracy and indeed the nation itself. 

“Under the constitutional order to which we have all submitted ourselves, the courts are the proper and only arbiters for disputes among ourselves and with the State itself. It is an important device that preserves the peace, allows us to pursue our dreams with confidence and ensures that we do not descend into anarchy” he argued.

Mr. Anin Yeboah intimated that over the last few years, in the face of a global pandemic that imposed stern restrictions on in-person interactions, the courts in Ghana, like so many around the world, have had to be inventive in order to achieve its mandate adding that “Thanks to digital technology, the ingenuity of Staff and the understanding and cooperation of stakeholders, we were able to continue the business of justice with minimum disruption. The lessons we learnt from that experience must guide us in the future.” 

Indicting that the court is equipped to handle the demands of modern justice administration, urged all who will work in the building to ensure that it delivers on its promise by properly maintaining it to reflect a renewed commitment to the ethics and principles that guide the Judicial Service of Ghana.

The Municipal Chief Executive, (MCE) Boye Laryea said the District Magistrate prior to the construction of the court was confined to a small room with her judicial staff which necessitated the need for the facility.

He stated that Ghana is experiencing a peaceful, stable democratic environment because of the effective and efficient justice delivery system. 

The facility has a spacious courtroom, judges’ office, witnesses and accused persons’ docks, registrar’s office, court clerk’s office, cashiers office, store rooms and toilet.

Source: Kofi Yirenkyi
