The Holy Spirit teaches us: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Monday 11th September 2023


Scripture Reading: 1 John 2

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. 1 John 2:20

The word, ‘anointing’ used in this verse refers to the presence of the Holy Spirit. The phrase, ‘Holy One’ refers to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit comes from the Holy One. That means the anointing cannot oppose Christ or do things that Christ would not do. This is the litmus test to discern claims from anyone as being anointed by God and representing Him. If their teaching and behaviour does not align with Christ’s, their anointing is not from God.

John warned believers about falling prey to the deception of the Antichrist. He reminded them that the anointing in the believer does not come from the believer. The anointing in the believer comes from Christ.

• The Holy Spirit is our teacher. John ascribed a teaching role to the Holy Spirit. His work is to ensure that we are guided into God’s truth. The presence of the Holy Spirit within every believer enables him or her to know the truth of the gospel.

As a result, we cannot come up with any teaching whatsoever and claim it as coming from the ‘anointing’. If it is truly of the Holy Spirit, it must truly be in line with what Christ taught and exemplified.

• The Holy Spirit teaches us all things. The Holy Spirit teaches us everything we need to know to live lives that honour Christ. His instruction to us extends to all areas of our lives including relationships, finances, and our careers. We cannot limit the Holy Spirit’s instruction only to things of the spirit.

We must embrace the Holy Spirit’s guidance in every aspect of our lives. He is willing to teach us all things. We only need to be willing to hear and follow.

May our spirits be subject to the Spirit of Christ at all times.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I receive the Holy Spirit as my teacher. Instruct me in all areas of my life. In Jesus’ name,


Holy spiritPastor Mensa Otabil