Living Word Devotional By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Monday 28th June 2021


Scripture Reading:

John 16:1-15 “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come._

John 16:13: Our Lord Jesus promised that when the Holy Spirit comes, He would lead us. How would the Holy Spirit lead us?

Christ said the Holy Spirit would lead us by speaking to us. He would show us by telling us things to come.

That is a privilege afforded to every child of God. When we talk about being led by the spirit, many people reduce it to speaking in tongues.

It is possible to live in sin and still speak in tongues. To be led by the Spirit, we must be controlled by the Spirit. It is not an event.

It is not something that happens once in our lives. It is a daily walk with God. It is daily surrender. It is living through His help.

A pilot cannot always see what is coming ahead of him in a flight, particularly in bad weather.

At best, he can only see about twenty miles or so ahead. And yet, a pilot can fly an aircraft safely in all weather.

The reason they can do that is that the flight course is marked out for them by radar.

No matter their level of experience, every pilot depends on the navigation instruments in front of them to fly safely.

If a pilot deviates from the path, the set course for the trip, the radar warns them accordingly. That is similar to how the Holy Spirit guides us.

Our text does not mean that we shall always be able to see more than one step ahead in our Christian lives. It does not even mean that we shall always be able to see ahead at all.

But it does mean that God has a plan for our lives—for your life and mine—and that He promises to reveal the steps of that plan to us

To find out what that plan is, we must keep our eyes on the radar – the Holy Spirit. We do not always have to know what lies ahead of us.

We must know the One who knows what lies ahead of us. That person is the Holy Spirit.

By Prayer, Heavenly Father, I surrender to your leading.

Let your Holy Spirit reveal your will to me and show me the way. In Jesus’ name, Amen..

devotionalLiving WordMensah OtabilPastor