The magicians fail: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Wednesday 11th May 2022


Scripture Reading: Exodus 8

Now the magicians so worked with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not. So there were lice on man and beast. Exodus 8:18

No spot was spared in this third plague. Unlike the earlier plagues where some areas were left untouched, this plague was very extensive on all the land. Everywhere, there were stinging insects, harassing the people.

Pharaoh’s magicians sought to mimic God’s work as they had done earlier. This time, they used their secret arts, but to no avail: they failed. The passage says that after their failure, the lice covered both man and animal.

The sorcerers could not mimic the acts of God, nor could they deliver the people from the judgment of God.

There is a point when all powers concede to the power of the Most High God. This was the end point for the magicians of Egypt. They were so overwhelmed by the plague of the lice that they just could not go any further.

The Lord gave advance knowledge to Moses of how the conflict with Pharaoh would go. It was not going to be a quick work. It would be a drawn-out conflict. The Lord indicated that He would escalate His acts until Pharaoh released the Hebrews out of bondage. The escalation to the third plague was the place where Pharaoh’s magicians conceded but it was not the final place for Pharaoh.

God’s works are persistent. Sooner rather than later, those who rebel against the Lord and His purposes will come to the end of their game. They may resist the Lord for a while but in time, they will come to a screeching halt. As the Lord brought the mimicry of Pharaoh’s magicians to a halt, may He bring every evil that has risen against you to a halt.

If you are a child of God, trust Him through your struggles. The enemy may resist God’s purposes for a while, but the Lord will escalate His works till all His enemies bow at His feet.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, confound every worker of wickedness. Bring the works of darkness to a halt in our land. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

failLiving word devotionalMagiciansPastor Mensa Otabil