The Mahama crowdfunding deepens NDC’s leadership paralysis

Sometimes, I get surprised at how low the NDC has sunk under its current establishment. Indeed, the quality of politicians at the forefront of the NDC has sunk so low that the barrel-bottom still doesn’t seem far enough.

Yes, just look at this flawed and embarrassing attempt at crowdfunding – You’re asking party folks and sympathisers to crowdfund the forthcoming national delegates conference. One would have thought that the account number provided for the donation will lead donors to the NDC Secretariat, but no, the name on the momo account is the OFFICE OF H.E MAHAMA –
How was this even conceivable? So, now the office of the former President has metamorphosed into NDC secretariat to be collecting donations on behalf of the party? A perfect example of getting too creative with a fund raising – and getting it wrong.
And when non conformists like my good self point out some of these unacceptable occurrences, we’re nominally categorised into a perceived
anti-Mahama grouping, and as such deserves no place in the party of Rawlings.

In fact, this extreme folly has further hardens my contempt for organised sectarian influence in the NDC.

I just don’t get it. Whose interest is this spineless NDC leadership serving? The party as an entity or the gluttonous self indulgence of one man? It’s a tragedy that the party should come to this, but how long is the NDC going to continue making an obscenity of itself?

Of course, there’s no doubt that some of the misinformed easily led town criers of Mahama are going to twist themselves into pretzels to excuse this but then, how is it right?

Well, the truth, I’m afraid, is that Mahama’s interest in role playing than actually allowing a fresh leader to emerge, and his pursuit of the unattainable that he’s addicted to has backed all of us into a corner where today the NDC leadership can’t use the
authority it has to rein in Mahama, his cronies and enablers.

What even troubles me here is that none are willing to admit the obvious that the party is in a state of purgatory, and that it needs to rebuild now with a new socially conscious leader leader.
