The narrow gate: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Thursday 14th October 2021


Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:13-20

Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:14

Sometimes, we make choices that are different from our intentions. We may intend to go to the north but ride on the bus travelling to the east. When we do that, we end up where our choices take us and not where we imagined ourselves. When the Lord made a covenant with Israel, they verbally declared that they would obey the Lord. Yet, the choices they made led them in the opposite direction of where they expressed verbally. It is not enough to desire God’s blessings; in addition to our desires, we must do the things that release God’s blessings on us.

The Lord Jesus taught us about the two gates that we can enter. One of the gates is vast and has no restrictions. It is a gate that leads to destruction. He also spoke about another gate that leads to life. This is the way God wants us to choose.

1. The Narrow gate – this has controlled access. The first thing anyone would see when approaching this gate is how small it looks. Jesus described the gate as ‘narrow’. So right from the entrance, you would realize that you are in for something serious. You would get the impression that the access is designed for one person at a time. Anyone who seeks to go through this entrance must decide that by themselves. The narrow gate has rules and regulations. Those who choose it must experience a change of heart that transforms their lives positively.

2. The Difficult path – this requires sacrificial living. This way is for those who have elected to take up their cross and follow Jesus. It is clear that the narrow gate opens into a challenging life. The difficulty we face on this road arises from the demands required to make personal changes. Those who walk on this way must be ready to make sacrifices. We must prepare to do all we can to give up destructive and unproductive lifestyles.

3. Few find it – it is not a popular choice. Sadly, only a few people find this way. The narrow gate and the difficult path are not popular choices.  People don’t like to deal with discipline, change and toughness. We want to live life on our terms instead of making adjustments.  For our spiritual well-being and to live happily on God’s earth, the Lord calls us to walk through the narrow path. Have you found the gate that leads this way?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I have purposed in my heart to walk in your way. Help me to follow you steadfastly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Living word devotionalMensa Otabilnarrow gate