The seed is within: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Tuesday 19th October 2021


Scripture Reading: Genesis 1

And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:12

God created the first fruit trees for us. Within each fruit that hung on a fruit tree, the Lord placed seeds. He did that to signal that He would not continue creating trees for us after He had created the first ones. The power to continue producing new fruit trees to produce more fruits lay within the seeds in the fruit.

The significant thing to note about the seed is that it is within. The first trees that God created, sprouted from within the earth. The seeds to produce the next set of fruits lay within the fruits. In both instances, God placed the power of fruitfulness within. God has so designed life on earth in such a way that what we need to do, the things He wants us to do, are not far from us. In this case, what we need is within us.

So what is the seed? In agricultural terms, a seed is a unit of reproduction, capable of reproducing another plant. However, we also use the word seed as a metaphor beyond agriculture. We use it to describe the potential that lies within each of us. This potential within us is what we activate to make our lives productive. In that sense, we can say that God has placed a seed within each one of us that, when discovered and used, will make our lives flourish. The source for our fruitfulness lies with us.

The seed stands for the source – it is the place from which you begin. Everything on earth has a beginning. Trees start as seeds; animals have their beginning as a fertilized egg. Products and inventions have their origins in an idea. Each of these is a seed.

The seed stands for our undeveloped capacity. A seed is what you are capable of becoming but are not now. It is, ‘what will be which is not now’.

There is something God wants you to be which you are yet to become. That is your undeveloped capacity. Whether you are to be a great doctor, engineer, programmer or pastor, God has given you the aptitude for it. He has already placed the seed for what you will be inside you – in your spirit, your thoughts, temperament and talents.

Seeds are usually small and unimpressive until their potential is fully manifested. That is why they are very easy to ignore and despise. Just as the Lord brought forth plants from within the earth, He can bring forth great things from within you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know you have placed the seed for my fruitfulness inside me. Help me cultivate it to the fullest. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Living word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabilseedwithin