Anlo coast is under siege – Awoamefia

Togbi Sri III, the Awoamefia of Anlo State has appealed to President Akufo-Addo to act to secure Volta Region’s coastline, which he said had been under siege.

Communities in the region’s three coastal districts of Ketu South, Keta and Anlo have been suffering perennial devastating effects of storm surges with the last episode, which happened barely a month ago, flooding about 1,000 homes and rendering the people homeless with livestock, businesses, canoes, and fishing nets also lost as a result.

Togbi Sri said the perennial tsunami-like phenomenon of rising sea water in recent years was threatening the existence of the region’s coastline, thus the need for government’s quick intervention.

He made the appeal in his address during the 61st Hogbetsotsoza, the traditional festival of the chiefs and people of Anlo, durbar at Anloga held on the theme: “Climate Change, a Challenge to Lands below Sea Level, a Concern of the Anlo State and the Stakeholders.”

“The Anlo coast has been under siege, experiencing unprecedented tidal waves and flooding… From the estuary of the Volta River in the West to the Aflao coastline in the east, the coast is being bombarded and submerged by severe sea erosion. Many families have lost their homes to the sea.

“May I appeal to the government for a comprehensive coastal protection project as being done in Togo and Benin to protect and preserve the coast from the sea erosion. I want the government to expedite action on the implementation of the West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project to safeguard the livelihoods as being done in neighbouring Togo and Benin.”

The Awoamefia referred to the current spillage of the Akosombo Dam, which had affected some communities downstream disrupting teaching and learning, among others.

While he commended government and individuals for the relief efforts in the affected areas, he suggested “the resumption of the routine dredging of the Volta estuary for uninterrupted flow of the Volta River into the sea at the estuary to lower the perennial flooding of adjacent settlements.”


Togbi Sri