You Can’t Touch President Akufo-Addo

Lately, I have noticed a trend of ingratitude from individuals who have been major beneficiaries from President Akufo-Addo either in the form of appointments or other. These unscrupulous persons, some of whom are elders of our Party and government cannot seem to hide the bulge that has developed between their legs thinking it is a sign of masculinity when it is rather more like kwashiorkor of the genitals.

What prompted me to write this piece was the ridiculous inferences read from the innocent and humanly statement the President made at Mepe. After being warned for years that an ultimate situation would arise that would necessitate a spill over, the impotent MPs, MCEs, and other so-called responsible elders and leaders did not pay heed to the impending danger.

Then the dreaded spillage happened! If it had not been for the fact that engineers oversaw the spillage to minimize the effect of the disaster, many lives would have been lost and much more severe damage would have arisen as a result.

So, the President rushed back to Ghana after he had given directions for necessary action to be taken to bring relief to the residents. Alas, loudmouths began to rattle like empty and rusty ideal milk tins connected to a rope that a child is often seen dragging behind him!

They were not the only ones affected by dam spillage. The people of the Black and White Voltas often go through such disasters resulting from Burkinabe spillages. The government of Akufo-Addo is always there to help move people to safety or to assist control the resulting damage, yet at Mepe and its environs, only the empty barrels and know-it-all sharp-teethed area leaders cry foul more than the affected, I dare say!

On another note, Professor Stephen Adei, described as the former “Rectum” of GIMPA, let out his stink when he attacked Akufo-Addo, claiming that the President should be concerned about those who were collecting bribe against employment! I mean really! Is that his job? Prof Adei and his ilk who have no shame find all sorts of ways and means to strip people off their dignity! You see, it is the responsibility of every Ghanaian to ensure that such corruption does not occur and is not encouraged!
People in this country are just too timid.

One lady once complained to me about such a thing going on at the GES. I forwarded all her whatsapp screenshots to the Minister personally, who took care of the situation. So, if you have evidence bring it to the appropriate authorities and see what will happen. If nothing happens, please bring it to me and you will be shocked at the kind of music that I will make the culprits dance to!

Let it be said that every Ghanaian seeking employment must not pay for any favours. If money is being demanded, there are authorities who would be happy to address the situation and still find a job for the complainant, but if you sit in the comfort of your toilet and talk shit that is supposed to exit from your rectum, then you must expect to hear what anyone would normally frown upon. Then again, when you become a source of anger, readers will understand when you are sent to the cleaners. After all, only the dirty would have the urgent need to be thoroughly cleansed.

But of course, when you are supporting someone who you believe would lose like wasted coconut to Dr Bawumia, you tend to feel disappointed not because of Akufo-Addo, but because your chances at meandering within the Presidential corridors are nothing but a mirage. You may see the puddle of water, but it will always evade you!

I want Prof Adei and all the ungrateful appointees cum hyenas to know a very peculiar fact about Akufo-Addo: he is like gold, the more he is struck the brighter he glows!


By Fadi Dabbousi

trend of ingratitude