In John 6:1-14 Jesus wanted His disciples to look for food to feed a large crowd. The disciples said it would be impossible. But, a boy with them had five tiny loaves of bread and two small fish. Jesus took the bread and fish, thanked God, and could feed over 5,000 people, with leftovers to spare!
Lesson is simple. When faced with impossible situations, when faced with difficulties and when faced with great challenges that seem unsurmountable, do not bother talking too much about them in prayer.
Actually don’t even mention them in your prayer, but just give thanks. Who do we pray to about our impossible situations? God? Isn’t He Omniscient? Does He not know what worry us?
Beloved, thanksgiving in the face of impossible situations, is a demonstration of our faith and belief in the responsiveness of our Father God, and this pushes Him to work out what worry us in a miracle.
We can guess our prayer line if any of us had been given five tiny loaves of bread and two small fish to feed 5000 people. But when
Jesus took the five loaves of bread, He never asked God to multiply them. He only gave thanks and started breaking them and there came the miracle that fed all 5000 people with 12 baskets left.
See, God is capable of meeting our impossible needs and giving us “ntosuor” or “jaara “ if we would learn to trust Him by only thanking Him when faced with difficult situations. Why? Because He knows what confronts us better than ourselves.
So, let us learn to turn our prayer demands into thanksgiving, especially when confronted with very difficult and impossible situations. I repeat, Jesus never asked for the bread to be multiplied.
He only gave thanks and there was a miracle. Yes, we are told to ask and we shall receive, but when confronted with impossible situations, let us convert our requests into thanksgiving. This may sound absurd to the human mind but it surely will bring a miracle.
May we learn from this.