Two suspects arrested in death of American citizen at hotel room in Accra

Two suspects have been picked up by the police in connection with the death of an American citizen at a hotel room in Accra on December 14, 2021.

The suspects are currently in police custody assisting with investigations.

Identified as Julie Diane Williams, she was found dead at the Rayporsh Hotel at Abelemkpe, a suburb of Accra, on December 14, 2021.

A police statement dated December 31, 2021, signed and issued by the Director of Public Affairs, ACP Kwesi Ofori said her family in the US has officially been informed of the investigations being conducted into the circumstances leading to her death.

The police said on December 29, 2021, a post mortem examination was conducted at the Police Hospital mortuary in the presence of the Police and one Godwin King Akpalu, a representative of the deceased’s family who identified the body to the pathologist.

“We await the full autopsy report, including toxicology and histopathology examinations,” the statement added.

What happened?

According to the police, the investigation has established that the deceased, a US national arrived in Ghana on December 3, 2021, from Nigeria.

Having tested positive for COVID-19 on arrival, she was taken into an isolation centre at Ave Maria Hotel, South Legon in Accra.

On December 6, 2021, the deceased was reportedly picked up by some alleged friends from the isolation centre and taken to Zoko Lounge at Airport residential area where she reportedly had lunch and was then taken to the Rayporsh hotel at Abelemkpe.

Records available at the Rayporsh Hotel, according to the police indicate that the deceased checked out from the hotel on Sunday, December 12, 2021, at noon with the intention to travel back to Nigeria but could not proceed because of visa issues.

The police said she returned to the hotel the same day at 2:00 pm and checked in again.

On December 14, 2021, the police received a complaint from two of the staff of the hotel to the effect that the said Julie Diane Williams was found unconscious in her room at the hotel.

A Police team proceeded to the hotel and after the necessary protocols, took her to the Police Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

Below is a copy of the police statement:

American citizenarrestedhotel roomsuspects