Ukraine: ICC probes possible violations after 39 countries call for open inquiry

The ICC said it was collecting evidence into possible violations after 39 countries called for it to open an inquiry.

They include the UK, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson personally accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of committing “horrific” atrocities on Ukraine’s cities.

‘Hundreds dead’ in Mariupol.

After more than 15 hours of continuous bombardment by Russian forces, the key Ukrainian port city of Mariupol is “near to a humanitarian catastrophe”, the city’s deputy mayor told the BBC.

“The Russian army is working through all their weapons here – artillery, multiple rocket launch systems, airplanes, tactical rockets. They are trying to destroy the city,” Serhiy Orlov said.

Mr Orlov said Russian forces were several kilometres from the city on all sides and had launched strikes on key infrastructure, cutting water and power supplies to parts of the city. One densely populated residential district on the city’s left bank had been “nearly totally destroyed”, he said.

“We cannot count the number of victims there, but we believe at least hundreds of people are dead. We cannot go in to retrieve the bodies. My father lives there, I cannot reach him, I don’t know if he is alive or dead.”

Ukraine’s army has resisted Russian forces so far in key parts of the country but the increased aerial bombardment of cities has raised fears Russia is shifting tactics.

“The Ukrainian army is very brave and they will continue to defend the city but the style of the Russian army is like pirates – they do not fight with their army, they just destroy entire districts,” Mr Orlov said.

“We believe in our Ukrainian army, but we are in a terrible situation.”


open inquiryUkraineviolations