UTAG strike: ‘Summon’ the Education Minister – Deputy Speaker to leadership

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Joseph Osei Owusu has charged the Business Committee to programme the Minister of Education to brief the House on the impasse between the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) and the Ministry.

According to him, as representatives of the stranded students and their parents, members are entitled to know the current situation and how the government intends to resolve it.

He said, “Our university students are stranded; whatever is happening I think we the representatives are entitled to know.”

“So it may be appropriate for us to programme the Education Minister to address the House so we can also share our opinions and views.”

The 1st Deputy Speaker gave the directive last Friday during presentation of the Business Statement for this week after the member for Madina, Xavier Sosu, had made a request for the Minister to be brought to the House.

He noted that the UTAG strike has been running for close to five weeks without a possible end in sight.

He pointed to the failure to come to an agreement after the court had directed the parties to try and settle it out of court adding, “But as at yesterday it had not been successful.”

“So with your leave Mr. Speaker, I’m pleading that if next week we will make space and invite the Minister to come and brief the House on the status of the impasse and what government is doing to resolve it.”

Deputy Majority Alexander Afenyo-Markin who presented the Business Statement in response urged the member to either file a question or make a statement if he is genuinely concerned about the matter and then it would be escalated from there.

However, the Hon. Osei Owusu pointed out that the leadership could also summon the Education Minister to address the House and urged the leadership to consider it.

Source: Mypublisher24.com

Deputy SpeakerEducation MinisterleadershipstrikeUTAG