[Videos] Police fire into agitating students of Islamic SHS


Disturbing videos of a ‘supposed confrontation’ between personnel of the Ghana Police Service and some students of the Islamic Senior High School in Kumasi have surfaced.

The students were said to have commenced a protest on Sunday 12th June, 2022 to compel the authorities to put up speed ramps in front of the school after a teacher was knocked down by a speeding vehicle.

According to an eyewitness, the students blocked the road during the protest.

Police officers, the witness said, arrived on the scene and dispersed the students with warning shots who then run back into the school compound.

The police, the witness said, chased after the students into the school compound and began firing tear gas into classrooms where some of the protesting students had sought shelter among colleagues who were studying.

The melee that followed was unimaginable as students studying in the safety of their classrooms suddenly find themselves being bombarded with tear gas canisters and the classrooms filled with gas, leading to some getting suffocated.

In the video, the students could be seen running for dear life as the police pursue amid shots.

From the video, there was no evidence of students retaliating or confronting the police contrary to claims being made on social media.

The aftermath of the incident is horrible as students who have passed out are seen stretched on the ground as friends attempt frantically to revive them while others have been put in the number of ambulances on the scene for professional care.

Islamic SHSKumasipolice