Rejected Juaben MCE: Court viral ‘bribe’ video as evidence

The High Court in Kumasi has admitted in evidence the viral video in which the rejected Municipal Chief Executive nominee for Juaben in the Ashanti Region, Alex Sarfo Kantanka, was seen and heard demanding for monies he paid to assembly members.

This was after the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) through its last and 6th witness tendered in evidence the tape, despite objection from counsel for the MCE.

The Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, in November 2021, invited Alex Sarfo Kantanka, for questioning following a viral video of him allegedly demanding a refund of alleged bribes he paid to assembly members for his confirmation.

The Special Prosecutor described Mr. Sarfo Kantanka as “a person necessary for the investigations.”

The rejected nominee was captured in a video hurling insults and curses at some individuals believed to be assembly members for accepting his money but refusing to confirm him as the substantive MCE for the area.

Alexander Sarfo-Kantanka has been slapped with 26 counts of corruption for allegedly paying bribes to assembly members in the area in order to gain approval as Municipal Chief Executive for Juaben.

The case has been adjourned to June 22, 2023, for cross-examination of the last witness of the Republic.
