W/N: Police Constable shoots his senior following an argument

A police officer by name Constable David Gbati has been shot dead allegedly by a senior officer after an argument, 3news.com gathers.

The two were said to be on their way to Awaso in the Bibian-Anwhiaso-Bekwai Municipality in the Western North Region on Friday night when the incident occurred.

ASP Frank Nsiah, who is said to be the head of the Western North Regional Police Intelligence Unit (PIU), 3news.com gathers, was said to be under the influence of alcohol.https://mypublisher24.com/boy-16-stabbed-in-waltham-forest-london/

He, then, picked an argument with his subordinates in the Ghana Police Service vehicle, resulting in the shooting of Constable Gbati.

The body of the deceased officer has been deposited at the Sefwi Wiawso Government Hospital morgue while ASP Frank Nsiah has been detained at the Sefwi Bekwai Police Station for further investigations.https://www.peacefmonline.com/pages/politics/politics/202302/483706.php

Police related deaths have been on the increase recently

it may be recalled that a member of the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) unit of the Ghana Police Service in Takoradi recently has met his untimely death after he was shot by his own AK-47 rifle.

The Police Officer, Constable Senanu Davordzie allegedly fell on the rifle which subsequently discharged two bullets into his abdomen.

Police Constable Francis Opoku, stationed at Drobo police station in Jaman South District, on Tuesday shot and killed himself allegedly over a missing AK 47 assault rifle.

He shot himself at the entrance of the station charge office.
