We will not tolerate homosexuality – GPCC Declares

President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) Reverend Paul Frimpong-MansoPresident of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) Reverend Paul Frimpong-Manso, has said the Council will not tolerate any lifestyle that would bring the name of the Christian body into disrepute.

He said the Council would keep hammering and nforming the Ghanaian community that Lesbian Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) was “wrong, foreign, unnatural and ungodly”, and the society must frown upon it.

Rev. Frimpong-Manso added that the Council had proposed a legislation  that prohibited the practice of homosexuality in the country, awaiting approval by Parliament.

“We have joined a Coalition to protest against this LGBTQI because we support proper human sexual ity, “he said.

He made the statement at the Council’s National Delagates Conference in Accra, to discuss the affairs of the Council and deliberate on effective ways to serve the Church, nation and society at large.Addressing issues related to security in the country, he appealed to government to provide support, funds and the appropriate resources and gadgets to security agencies to enable them execute their roles effectively.

“The Police and other security agencies are doing their best, but it is not enough and so let us  not chastise them, but rather encourage them to beef up their strategies in discharging their duties to make us feel more secure”, he said.

Rev Frimpong-Manso said the mandate of the Council was to reached out to those without the gospel, support the churches  and also cooperate and support government in national development.

A total of  21 new applicants were presented and admitted on two years probation, and thirten members who had gone through monitoring for two year on probation with good standing orders by the council were confirmed as members.

Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah, first Vice President of the Council, formally received the new members and charged them to be accountable, responsible and committed, adding that the Association would help and direct them on good Christian practices.

He charged Christians to live decent and moral lives in their communities draw men to Christ.Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, and the second Vice President of GPCC, said doctrinal differences with other churches coming together under an umbrella, made it difficult to control members, but the Council was committed to encouraging and correcting members to help build a kingdom and not a denomination.

He added that the GPCC had the opportunity to meet with the regional statisticians to educate their members on the 2021 National Population and Housing Census and therefore charged the Christian fraternity to avail themselves to be counted.

Apostle Nyamekye encouraged Ghanaians to participate in the ongoing census and cooperate well with the enumerators who were spearheading the exercise with accurate data.

“When they come to your home, don’t drive them away, receive them and cooperate with them because this is an important exercise to the Christian kingdom to  get the right number of the population, and also know places we can evangelize and build churches depending on the population”, he said.

