We’ll not relent until BoG’s governor and deputies resign – Minority

The Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, Mahama Ayariga says the Minority will continue its probe into the $250 million allocated for the construction of a new headquarters for the Bank of Ghana.

The MP argues that the explanation given by the governor, Dr. Ernest Addison, only aggravates the situation and calls for further investigation.

Dr. Ernest Addison on Monday dismissed claims that the Central Bank breached procurement laws in pursuit of the construction of the edifice.

In an interview with Citi News, however, the Bawku Central MP insisted that the governor must resign and emphasized that the Minority will do whatever it takes to drive out the governor of the Central Bank and his deputies.

“This is the most ridiculous and palpably unacceptable and laughable explanation that a governor can give for spending such an amount of money when your country is facing the kind of challenges that we are facing today.”

“Anytime you have a problem with your structure, just come to Parliament, and we will review your law and give you whatever structure you need to function. So I disagree with everything he [Dr. Ernest Addison] has said. We are still going to hold him accountable and demand that he must resign, and so we are still going to go out there and demonstrate until he leaves office.”

Though there has been public criticism and opposition against the cost of the new building, the Bank of Ghana justified the construction of a new headquarters, insisting that its current head office, built in the 1960s, is no longer fit for purpose.

The governor on Monday at a press conference insisted that the Bank did not breach any procurement laws in its pursuit of putting up the new headquarters.

BopG headquartersMinority