What path are you on: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Friday 1st September 2023


Scripture Reading: Proverbs 14

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12

The paths we take in life determine the destinations we arrive at. If we choose the right way, we will arrive at the right destination; if we choose the wrong way we will arrive at the wrong destination.

The question all of us must ponder over is whether the path we are on is the right one or the wrong one.

• The wrong way is easy. The wrong way is usually accessible. It does not offer us resistance. One of the reasons why the wrong way is easy is because a lot of people are doing it. Because we are social beings, we feel safe in the company of others. As a result, when we see a lot of people moving on a certain path, we find the confidence to move along with them.

The reality is that the majority are usually wrong. That is what we see frequently in the Bible. God’s way is not the popular way.

• The wrong way is pleasurable. People ask, ‘how can something that feels so good, be wrong?’ We have elevated our feelings above our conscience. Many are following a way that seems right to them because of the good feelings it gives them. From the beginning, sin has always been presented as pleasurable.

• The wrong way is short-term. Instant gratification drives all sinful behaviour. When we are making choices, we usually consider the immediate benefits we can get from them. We do not ponder the eternal consequences of our actions. Many in our world have successfully blocked eternity – heaven and hell – from their considerations. We have turned them into ancient myths.

Have you considered the path you’re on? Does it seem right to you? Think of the end of that way.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, deliver me from self-deception. Help me to see life from an eternal point of view. In Jesus’ name, Amen”

Living word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabilpath