When my enemies turn back: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Tuesday 1st February 2022


Scripture Reading: Psalm 9

“When my enemies turn back, They shall fall and perish at Your presence.” Psalm 9:3

In verses one and two the psalmist chose to praise God. Now, David spoke about the situation he was in and how he expected the situation to turn out. He opened our eyes to the enemies who were running after him. David was under attack; he was being pursued. Yet, he found time to praise God and recount His goodness.

• When my enemies turn back. The psalmist praised the Lord and looked forward to the day when those who were pursuing him would turn back. David teaches us that the presence of your enemies does not indicate God’s absence.

Together with David, we can also affirm that though the enemy will pursue us, he will not catch up to us. Neither will the enemy overtake us. God will keep us a step ahead of the attacker.

• They shall fall and perish at Your presence. The psalmist recognizes that his enemies’ retreat is not because of his own power or strategy, but rather it was caused by God. The presence of God is the most reliable insurance package from the attacks of the enemy and the psalmist points out that the place where the enemy will fall and perish is before the presence of God.

The presence of the Lord turns the battle in our favour.

In the Old Testament, God is often pictured as a Warrior, taking to the battlefield on Israel’s behalf and beating back the enemy. This suggests that your enemies would have no other opportunity to replicate a similar attack against you because God will immobilize all their efforts.

God will fight on your behalf when enemies rise up against you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your presence turns my enemies away. At your appearance, darkness disappears. In Jesus name, Amen!

enemiesLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil