Where Is Speaker Bagbin?

Ghana’s Parliament was plunged into anarchy on Monday, December 20, 2021 when Members of Parliament engaged in fisticuffs.

This event has dented the image of Ghana as a beacon of democracy amongst its peers on the continent.

It goes without saying that the deliberately orchestrated plot by Bagbin and his NDC cabals caused that regrettable episode in Parliament.

The Rgt. Hon. Speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin is solely responsible for what happened that night.

When he was needed to preside over proceedings to enable the E-levy to be passed, he surreptitiously engaged in a dereliction of his duty. He fled the House of Parliament, leading to the chaos that greeted the House.

His assigns and acolytes have attributed his sudden departure from Parliament that day to his ill-health.

It’s been over seventy-two hours since this incident occurred and no one seems to have heard from the Speaker. This development begs the following questions;

Is Bagbin really ill? Is he unable to function to the extent that 72 hours after the incident in Parliament he hasn’t been able to resurface to tell Ghanaians why he took to his heels when he was to preside over proceedings that day?

Bagbin owes Ghanaians some explanations as to why he abdicated his duties on that fateful Monday.

His deafening silence about the role he played on that night gives room for Ghanaians to embrace the narrative that he indeed did that deliberately.

Ghanaians need to know his side of the story. His silence is giving a justification to those who hold the view that he is not really sick and that he used same as a smokescreen to pursue a tendentious but partisan agenda for his political tradition, the NDC!

P.K. Sarpong, Whispers from the Corridors of the Thinking Place.

ParliamentSpeaker Bagbin