World Press Freedom Day: PRINPAG advocates greater support and sustainability for media operations

The Private Newspapers and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) has called for enhanced support and sustainability measures for media operations nationwide as part of the global observation of World Press Freedom Day,

This year’s theme, “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis,” underscores the critical role of journalism in addressing global environmental challenges and promoting democratic transparency.

In a statement, the acting Executive Secretary of PRINPAG, Jeorge Wilson Kingson, expressed gratitude towards media practitioners in Ghana for their relentless service and emphasized the need for protection against censorship, intimidation, and violence.

“Journalists work tirelessly on the frontlines, often exposing themselves to great risks to bring truthful reporting to the forefront. We must safeguard these brave individuals and their indispensable sources,” Kingson stated.

The association stressed the adverse impacts of misinformation and propaganda on environmental issues, which can undermine scientific research and efforts to combat ecological crises.

PRINPAG praised journalists who dare to report on such critical issues, thus paving the way for informed actions and policies.

President of PRINPAG, Andrew Edwin Arthur, stressed the importance of government engagement with media professionals to combat the decline in media sustainability.

“We urge the government’s media handlers to actively engage with media owners, editors, and senior journalists. Together, we can develop mechanisms to support the media landscape, ensuring its role in national development remains robust and effective,” Arthur stated.

The statement also advocated for an inclusive approach that would bring together all media houses, regardless of their political affiliations, onto a common platform to enhance accessibility to information and promote press freedom and pluralism.

The call to action by PRINPAG not only highlights the ongoing challenges faced by media practitioners in Ghana but also reflects a global urgency to support journalism as a pillar of a democratic society, especially at a time when environmental issues demand significant public attention and action.

World Press Freedom Day is celebrated annually on May 3rd. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to raise awareness of the importance of press freedom and to remind governments of their duty to uphold and respect the right to freedom of expression.

The day commemorates the fundamental principles of press freedom, defends media independence, and pays tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the pursuit of truth.

PRINPAGWorld Press Freedom Day