Your will be done: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


Wednesday 15th June 2022


Scripture Reading: Matthew 6

Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10

Our first petition in prayer focuses on God’s Kingdom and His will. Many times, we go into prayer because we have a need to place before the Lord. Because a lot of our prayers are driven by our need, our prayers can be selfish and self-centered.

In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus taught us not to make our need the priority of our prayer.

• Your Kingdom come. God’s Kingdom is His rule. As we pray “your kingdom come,” we align ourselves with God’s higher purposes. That means although we have personal needs, our primary desire should be for God to establish His reign in our hearts.

• Your will be done. God’s will is what He wants done. God created human beings with a unique capacity called ‘free will’. That means, although God created us, He wants us to serve Him because we choose to.

• God has a will. We have a will. The big question is, ‘whose will should be done?’ Many times, our will is opposite of what God wills. We can only pray effectively when we surrender our will to God. That means we learn to say, ‘not my will, but yours, O Lord’.

• On earth as it is in heaven. Ultimately, we want life on earth to reflect life in heaven. We want to see life on earth from a heavenly point of view. God reigns in heaven absolutely, which means that all of heaven experiences His perfect will. Jesus prays that earth will experience that same rule of God.

Life on earth is opposite the life in heaven. Here, there’s so much rebellion, wickedness, evil, enmity, bitterness, hatred, murder, injustice, deprivation, and hunger. We must not accept the earth’s corruption as the normal life. We need to pray consistently “Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, establish your rule and will in my life. Let me experience heaven on earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Living word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabilwill